my twinnies' journey to the world!

Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Monday, December 10, 2007

My twins @11 days...

This is what you have been waiting for... here's a mini-video of the twins in action!!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

My birth story on 23 Nov 2007 ...

I had been so busy with the twins since discharged, and also nursing my wound... Finally, I found some time to pen down my birth story, which is a planned c-section.

Here's the sequence of events:

22 Nov 2007
sleepless night for both hubby and I as c-section is scheduled at 8.30am the next day. no food and drinks from 12 midnight onwards so had a light snack @11.15pm before settling down to sleep ... ...

23 Nov 2007
had a good shower and get ready to set off with hospital bag and cord blood storage kit in tow.

off we go to Mt Alvernia Hospital, with mother-in-law... keke... hubby was pretty nervous and needed some support.

arrival at Mt Alvernia Hospital and was directed to labour ward. Given meds to clear bowels, draw blood for blood test, get changed etc. while hubby went to settle the admission details.

all ready to go into OT. The nurse informed that my gynae had arrived and is currently doing a c-section for another patient. I'll be next!!

wheeled to just outside the OT to await my turn. Hubby was with me and soon the anaesthetist came to brief us on what to expect.

the time has come! wheeled into OT and before I know it, I am knocked out...

Twin 1, the boy arrived, weighing 2.845kg.

Twin 2, the girl arrived, weighing 2.24kg.

I woke up from my drowsy state and hubby and mother-in-law was outside the OT to receive me. They were telling me excitedly about the twins when they first saw them. The girl was wailing away while the boy had a very contented look on his face... keke.. They updated me that both babies are of good birth weights and doing well.